How To Succeed
First thing I will say, as someone who did not do as well as they should have, it is very possible to get through this course. I saw my classmates post in a timely manner and I am sure they are proud of what they accomplished. The professor was an amazing professor. Believe him when he says that he is on your side, because he really is. Communication is key, if you feel overwhelmed, let him know and he will find a solution for you. But even with that, self-discipline and time management are crucial. A lot of us college students fail in that; this course has a lot to cover and without these two things we will not get far in any courses or life. While taking this course, remember to keep an open mind and have the willingness to learn. There were many times in this course where I thought I knew something, when in reality I didn’t. There were times where I wanted to feel embarrassed because I said the incorrect thing, but seriously, that is what this whole course is about. It is about learning new things and letting ourselves be okay with differing opinions. Try your best and push yourself.